Really Excited, but…

Okay, as you can tell from the title, I am really excited, but I can’t really talk about it as much as I would like to.
But, I have to say something as it is important to us bloggers and that means share… So, I just had to tell you that I have sold two short stories!

No…not those two…

It is so exciting, but…lol…I can’t tell you who they are sold to, yet, as I haven’t signed any contracts. I can tell you a few things so you can be among the first to, at least, know.

I sold a story to an online magazine early in the month. Now, as those of you who have published short works know, there is not a lot of money involved. That really doesn’t bother me, though. It is a themed issue and done on a piece I wrote, specifically, for this magazine’s issue. I can tell you that it is a horror short story, but is marine based. It may need a bit of “adjustments”. We shall see.

You thought I meant the “GI Joe” marines, didn’t you? Admit it!

The second story I just found out about a few days ago. As far as I can tell the editor is not asking for any changes. It is also themed, another horror story, but has a political angle to it this time. Also, the magazine is brand new and this is the premiere issue; now, to me, that’s exciting.

(By the way, as a side note, typing “premiere issue” into images on Google was not the smartest thing I have ever done.  Don’t believe me?  Do it and scroll through them)

I have written 11 short stories since February and, now, have published 2 of them! It has gotten my juices going again, so I intend to dig back hard into writing more. I have started a book and do plan on finishing it, but have set it aside for the shorter works right now.

Anyway, I have been wanting to tell you, my friends, for a bit, but was trying to wait until the contracts were signed. I am not certain when the issues come out, nor do I know if there is any direct cost involved. I will let you know when I do.

If I can do it, so can you; keep it up!!!

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