Now I Lay Me Down and Hope…

Click on the pic to read an article about sleep-deprived parents


I tell you all frequently how much I care about each and every one of you.  I was going to do a poem or a short story or some such thing today and get back on my own good schedule for posting.  I haven’t missed a day in well over 400 days and I see no reason not to continue.  However, before I could do this, I went through my normal morning routine of reading news posts online and I found this article on sleep.  Please read – I will wait.

All done?  Good.  If you slept enough last night to get through it and remember, it was a very timely article for me.  I don’t sleep well and I know most of the things that are affected – I am affected constantly.

Some of my battle is in the AM when my meds from the night are still in my system.  I stay in bed 6.5 to 9.5 hours, the meds usually work for from 9.5-12 hours, so I am drowsy in the mornings.  I don’t like caffeine as it makes me jumpy, but I will drink a big cup if I have to be out earlier than I like.

Lately, it has been sleep about 4 hours (which is nice), wake up, get up, eat, go back to bed for 2-3 hours.  I don’t like this schedule but as it used to be sleep 2 hours, sleep 2 hours, etc… This is so much better for my brain and my functioning.

Pay attention to your sleep.  Stop letting “things” get in the way.  You know how you feel after a good solid night’s sleep? – well, that would be great each and every night.  And, if you paid attention to the article, just because you are older doesn’t mean you don’t need as much sleep.  The article indicates that your “sleeper” just isn’t doing as good a job anymore.  Taking Melatonin may help.  Melatonin (I take 5mg night) helps to regulate when and how long you sleep at night. It takes a while to work and you will not feel the difference; you will have to notice the difference in your sleeping schedule.  You shouldn’t wake as much, perhaps, as before.

If your problem is falling asleep, Valerian Root can help with this.  It has more of a sedative affect.  You take it and about 20 minutes or so later, you should fall asleep and rest.  I take both Valerian Root and Melatonin.  That isn’t enough for me, unfortunately, and I have to take an Rx sleeping pill.  That’s what does the groggy thing to me in the morning.  It is also my most expensive Rx.

Talk to your doctor and ask about these two herbs.  If he balks big time at taking “herbs”, perhaps you need another doctor.  I don’t know about interactions, that’s why I would ask.  Be safe and sleep well.




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