Tag Archives: Netflix

Time for a Fantasy

Well, here we are…all not dressed up and nowhere to go!  I, for one, don’t mind the restrictions of the virus too much.  I don’t like the illness or the death, for sure, but being at home?  It’s okay.  I am used to it and am making due.  I blog, at times (though not enough), and write some (less than blogging, truth be told), help Mom, email, Facebook, play video games, Scrabble, and… ta da binge Netflix.

I have come across some well-known and not-so-well-known shows and movies that have helped to bide my time and make my days.  I thought a brief, but good old-fashioned review of some of them might be in order: I love the scary-ish, dramatic, sci-fi genres most of all, so that may influence me, but not all…

  1. Cursed (1 season) Fey Girl (think fairies) who thinks she is cursed may just save the world.
  2. Supergirl (5 Seasons) – self-explan for most, I think
  3. Sherlock (4 Seasons) – Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson now
  4. In the Dark – (1 season) – Blind girl goes through a lot of changes when best friend is murdered
  5. Star Trek Voyager (7 seasons) I I have watched this series 2 1/2 times so far plus the one-at-a-time deal when it first came out.
  6. The Shannara Chronicles (2 seasons) A great book trilogy (The Sword of Shannara, etc…). Sword and Sorcery, romance and all the rest.
  7. Homemade (1 season) short films made by people during this virus quarantine while in quarantine.
  8. Star Trek Enterprise (2 seasons) The prequel to Star Trek.
  9. Better Than Us (1 season) about what happens when you remove the Asimov Rules of Robotics from a robot.
  10. Locke and Key (1 season) A family (Mom plus 3) move back home to a magical house and danger.
  11. Black Mirror (4 seasons, I think) British-based strange, usually horror stories (don’t bother with the first episode)
  12. Warrior Nun (1 season) a non-nun becomes part of a world-saving Catholic group of nuns when she dies and has an angel halo put into her.
  13. The Old Guard (movie)  Charlize Theron – a nearly immortal group who helps keep the world peace.
  14. Daybreak (1 or 2 seasons) An off-beat zombie-kinda show about a time when only kids are left to run the world.  A lot of vocal documentary added with the show (worth the listen, too)
  15. Penny Dreadful (3 seasons) Penny Dreadfuls were the dime store horror stories (think Frankenstein, the Mummy, Dracula, Jeckle and Hyde) put together in one show – scary, interesting and good.
  16. Lost in Space (2 seasons) The old 60s show updated and really good.
  17. Z Nation (5 seasons) a fun, scary, dramatic, good, though gory-at-times zombie series in which a group of “heroes” tries to get a possible cure of a virus from East to West coast.
  18. I Zombie (4 seasons?) zombie show in which not all become crazed killers.  This one is about a girl who works in a forensic morgue is bitten and infected.
  19. Travelers (3 seasons) Group of people sent back, mostly 1 at a time, back to stock an upcoming apocalypse by changing key events in the past.
  20. Flash (6 seasons) the Scarlet Speedster from the comics.

Okay, hopefully, just the first installment. Enjoy!  Let me know what you think and would you like other types of movies and shows from my past included?



“Mute” – Movie Review

This blog has always been about a little bit of everything – just like me.

Today got changed all because I checked out something added to Netflix for me.  I didn’t watch the show they previewed for me, but that led me to “Mute”, a movie already on my list, but not getting watched because I wasn’t really certain I would like it.

The movie, in the previews, looked to me like a mobster movie.  I’m not usually much for those.  And, indeed, it sorta was, in a “West Side Story” – “Romeo and Juliet” way.  No, not a musical.  However, the teaser listed it as a tag in “”Sci-fi”, so there you are.  I had to watch it.

Now, what follows may be just a bit of some spoilers, warning you so that, if you like complete surprises, you can leave now, go to Netflix, and watch it.  Yes, I will rate it about a 4-4,25 of 10, about a B to B+.

Okay, all of that out of the way, the movie is about a couple Naadi and her guy, the mute.  He is the main character.  Both work at a bar.  She is a waitress; he is a bar tender – yep, sci-fi strip bar.  Medicine is a very high technological marvel here, but there are still those, the Amish, like our mute, who oppose surgical solutions.  Naadi and he are deeply in love, but she tells him she has a secret.  Before she tells him what it is, she disappears.  Most of the rest of the movie deals with showing you who she is (slowly), the others in the film (explained throughout), and the “wham” last 16 minutes which are really fantastic.

Blood, gore ranks about a C+ to B-; action is slow, but there; plot is stretched through the entire movie.  Really slow for the first while, then it begins to crescendo, moving like a slow freight train – always going forward and nothing is going to stop it.

It surprised me several times.  There were moments when I thought, “What the heck is going on?” – but, by the end, all things fell together.

Bottom line: if you can handle some blood, violence, and stuff you usually find in “R” rated movies – you will be okay.  Not for the very faint-hearted, but good story and ending, though not so much a fairy tale thing.



If I Were a Rich Man…

I began watching “Touch” Season 1 on Netflix a couple of days ago. A wonderful show about an autistic boy who, with his father’s (Keiffer Sutherland) help, solves a lot of the world’s hurt through seeing patterns of numbers in everything.

The episode (at least, one of the) had a sub-plot about a blogger who went to Paris, hoping to meet a guy after being dumped,and ending up meeting the guy by coming back to the US.  I would say it was a spoiler, but, by now, I begin to expect these things and saw it coming.  However, it was beautifully done and it almost teared me up.  I do tear up, btw, it just takes a bit more.  You know, like watching those 1st auditions on BGT/AGT of the great singers like Grace Vanderwaal (teared up again), but it still affected me.  Then I read a post from athingirl and it is about a girl and a boy finding love and there you have it, I am now lost in a track of thought in which I, though the mysterious twists and turns of an altered reality, find that special someone with whom I “click” wonderfully and, perhaps, forever.

I need to reel it in a bit and realize, even though I truly believe we create our own realities, I may not be prepared to find that special someone just yet.  I may need time or experience or new shoes for her to “see” me or for us to be where we need to be when we need to be.  It could come through one of the dating sites I am on (Since I “came out” about my involvement in BDSM on here several posts ago >here< I have changed my profiles accordingly), through the BDSM website I use, from this block,or simply, just stepping outside to get my mail (why not?).

I know I talk about this quite a bit on here, that matter of finding someone special.  Know it is not constantly on my mind, but doing it, saying it here allows me to speak freely and get some good advice back (so far, no trolls).

So, just letting you in on some of my thoughts.  Thanks for listening and know I am both sane and, basically, unworried as the LoA will win out in the end.



Beauty lies within yourself

The only impossible journey in life is you never begin!! ~Tanvir Kaur

Saania's diary - reflections, learnings, sparkles

Life is all about being curious, asking questions, and discovering your passion. And it can be fun!

North Noir


carly books

I read lots of books, from mythology retellings to literary fiction and I love to reread books from childhood, this is a place to voice my thoughts for fun. I also like to ramble about things such as art or nature every now and again.



. . .

love each other like you are the lyric to their music


We are all Kindred Spirits; connected in Life


The website where movies count

A Poet's Vision

"kindness is healing, writer & poet of sorts, "