Tag Archives: queen

A Short Story and the Telling of a Tale

Alice looked tired and worn-out. Her humor was a bit droll.
“I suppose,” she asked the queen, “it’s to be ‘off with her head?’”
“Oh, no, my dear,” she said, “that would be my sister.” She turned to the guards.
“Beat her to death.” From her side, came another voice, “Bury her just before,” said the Queen of Spades.
A few moments later, Alice found herself running through the forest, the guards in hot pursuit. She looked at yet another sister, this one running right along beside her.
“They are a girl’s best friend, right?” They ran faster, smiling.


The telling of a tale will be a shortened version of my evening last night (Saturday). I recently was introduced to a group (website) called “Meetup.com”. It’s not particularly a dating site. It is a fairly national (my son in Oregon told me about it) site that simply promotes “meetups” or gatherings / groups put together by various people then known as “members”.

They put out an invite on the site. The site will do searches and, based on your location and interests send you a list of possible meetups. The one I decided on was a movie meetup at Castleton AMC to see “Skyfall” on Saturday evening at 6:45pm.

I checked the list and there would be 4 of us. It was movie then a bite to eat and talk afterwards. I left, ate supper before, and hopped on the interstate. I was watching the other direction, as there has been horrible construction and hours of waiting over there. I saw no problems and decided the trip home would be nice and much quicker. I could take the interstate!

When I returned my gaze forward I had to put on my brakes. The traffic was at a standstill and I could not see the end of it. Of course! I finally saw the flashing light, but when I got there, they were gone. I never did know what caused the over 20 minute delay. According to the GPS, I would arrive at 6:31 (one minute late if nothing else happened).

Castleton is a nightmare shopping mall anytime, but on a Saturday night the weekend before Thanksgiving? I should have stayed home. I found the theater, took nearly 10 minutes to park and walk (hobble slightly) to the entrance. The line was fairly long, but someone got my attention and told me they were waiting for the group leader. As it turned out, I arrived about 1 minute before she did and I was just in time for us to walk in and sit. I had done my prayer about that, turning it over to God and just not worrying anymore. Always works out.

The movie was good (I would recommend it) and we went to a little Asian stir-fry restaurant after for some good talk and pretty decent food. Only three of us actually connected. I say connected, but the other two were tired and I know that the group leader wanted more people.  We did spend some time talking.  Nice people.

Regardless, I decided to have fun, talk, and enjoy being out. After all, I was driving home in the dark, about 35 miles, and on the interstate. All went well. The trip home was uneventful. The site is a good one. If you just need to get out, meet people, and enjoy yourself with little investment outside of some time and your own money, I would say check it out.

They have several writing groups going, a theater group, a “nerds” dating group, and quite a few other interests from the ones I chose. I would like something closer and am thinking about starting a group here for Anderson and the surrounding area. We will see.

As Zoe says in Buckwheatsrisk: “There is hope.”


Beauty lies within yourself

The only impossible journey in life is you never begin!! ~Tanvir Kaur

Saania's diary - reflections, learnings, sparkles

Life is all about being curious, asking questions, and discovering your passion. And it can be fun!

North Noir


carly books

I read lots of books, from mythology retellings to literary fiction and I love to reread books from childhood, this is a place to voice my thoughts for fun. I also like to ramble about things such as art or nature every now and again.



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love each other like you are the lyric to their music


We are all Kindred Spirits; connected in Life


The website where movies count

A Poet's Vision

"kindness is healing, writer & poet of sorts, "