Scared!? Who Me?

Okay, I like to try new ideas for blogs. This one is new, for me. I was thinking about how they don’t make many good horror movies anymore. I mean, really good scares with decent plots and great ideas. Some of those are the originals and some are remakes. What makes them special is that they are ones I could watch over and over and still enjoy them.

Now, for you: you might be a guy or a girl and you might hate horror movies.

Let’s look at it this way. If you hate them and are a girl, just think that you can feel free to get scared, burying your head in your guy’s shoulder and hold him very tight. (see? not so bad).

If you are a guy and just not into these, then you have a reason to get scared (some) and politely suggest you do something else instead (use your brain!).

As for the rest of you, I have given a list of scary movies in my past that I truly enjoy for all kinds of different reasons. My thinking is often skewed, so make your own list. But, if you are wanting to watch something and one of these pretties is not on your list, well, by all means, watch it (them). They are not the same. All are very different.

Okay, in no certain order (because you won’t like them the same, anyway):

1) The original “Halloween” – come on! this is classic horror with an excellent premise.  The best thing about this movie?  No Blood!  That’s right.  The movie scares you deeply without all that blood and gore.

2) Snow White and the Huntsman – Freshly added to my list. Charlize Theron does a gorgeous wonderful job as the Evil Queen. Yeah, Twilight Star did fine as S.W. but, other than being cute, she is just okay; although this part was kinda tailored for her. Got my vote.

3) Tooth and Nail – a shortie, of sorts. This movie is an “end of the world” movie (I love those) where civilization ends because we run out of gas. Hey! it works here, watch it to understand. That’s not the story, though. Meat is in high demand (any meat), so there are those who take up cannibalism. Great movie with a female hero.

4) Dawn of the Dead. The remake, believe it or not. The one from 2004 with Sarah Polley and Ving Rhames. Great movie! I really like this one. In fact, I may just have to watch it again soon.

5) Dead Birds – This 2005 horror sleeper caught me off guard. I have not been able to forget it! I think I will just leave it at that.

6) Crazies – Just Wild!  Even possible!  Very unnerving to watch.  I loved it!

Okay, lots more, but I will tease you with these. I hope you enjoy thinking about being scared even if you don’t particularly care for horror movies. I like all types of movies. Some of my favorites are chick flicks. Heck, maybe I should do a post on those. What do you think?

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  • Indira  On July 14, 2012 at 6:00 am

    Hi Scott, I just can’t go through horror and violence movies, am I a coward? I don’t know how Soma came to love all this.


  • Soma Mukherjee  On July 14, 2012 at 12:12 am

    I love horror and thriller movies and stories…That is also how i met you…read your story on other site..Not only you are a fab poet but you weave some amazing thrillers..which reminded me of one thing more i have been wanting to tell you..Scott have you heard of Friday fictions by Madison woods?
    every monday or so she posts a picture on her site and anyone who wants to participate has to write a fiction in not more that 100 words on that on their blogs and post a link of the storyon Madisons site I am posting the link of her site in case you are interested do try that one…its really interesting and you are a fabulous will find the rest of information on her site,lot of bloggers I know participate in it..its real fun
    I wish I could participate but i dont have that much a writing power..
    love n hugs 🙂


  • buckwheatsrisk  On July 13, 2012 at 10:11 pm

    eek i’m so not a scary movie person Hubby or not! i do however like thrillers.


    • kindredspirit23  On July 14, 2012 at 1:02 am

      I know well the difference. You might like “Taken” but read about it to make sure you are okay with subject matter. Excellent movie if you can handle it.


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