Today, Another One…so Similar, so Special

I am tired today and grouchy. It hasn’t taken much to set me off. Why do I tell you this? I have learned now that when I feel this way I need a short nap and to do some relaxing thing(s) to take my mind from whatever is making me grouchy. Even if that thing is just the sleep, relaxing is never a bad idea. Thing is, the LofA has set my life up so that I can take that nap and/or do that/those thing(s) to relax mostly whenever I wish. I mean, for me, the biggest thing I usually do during the week is to go get the groceries. But it set my life up this way by seeing that I go through much to be here at only 63. I keep trying to remember how I wanted to go out so much just to meet someone special, to keep busy and work to make more money, and working because I wasn’t 65 yet. Even then, I would have been making much less money at 65. The stroke set so much in motion, providing me with a bit more income and a sooner time to relax, and a feeling in which grouchiness is almost a foreign feeling to me. Things I wanted, just didn’t see them coming this way or being this way. Always know things work out for the best and keep using and believing in the LofA. Remember, it’s not the LofA “or” God; it’s the LofA “and” God. The LofA will never conflict with positive beliefs; if you are experiencing conflict, take a better look at things – maybe there’s something you need to think about differently. Better yet, use the LofA to find that answer. Namaste

That is the post I wrote for my FB page on the Law of Attraction. You can friend me at FB and then join the page, if you want to follow it. We post about twice a week, usually me, and it isn’t really any longer than that one above. Here’s the link, if you want> . You may have to copy/paste.

Anyway, I just wanted to throw it out here. I would love to see any of you join and really, maybe, contribute a bit. This audience is a great outlet, but I don’t use it as much anymore. It just kind of slipped when Covid-19 pushed its way through. The variants haven’t helped much. Plus, I do get more tired, more quickly since the last 2-3 years. So, I do there more and here less. Sorry, I really don’t mean to let this go. That’s why I do put some things on. I am planning another look at about 20 films I have watched in the past to give them a push and a review. Hope you are all here for that.

Love ya all the time,


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