Category Archives: BDSM

Whoa! Didn’t Quite Expect That – Guess I Should Have

On Jun 8th, I shared a post on Facebook.  It drew attention I hadn’t really anticipated.  Then I decided to answer the attention.  Then I decided it was, perhaps, worth a post to get some of your responses.
Below is the post.
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling
June 6 at 5:14pm · 
xxxxxxxx: Well 7 of 9 supreme court justices don’t agree. Plus all the things listed people are refusing to sell, not make. Finally they have just showed the intolerance that groups have for people with religious beliefs. The very thing they rail against. WHY would you even consider forcing and giving your hard earned money to someone who doesn’t approve of your lifestyle, there were surely other bakers who would have been happy to take the couples money. So whose being the a#%h@*”?

Scott L Vannatter
Scott L Vannatter You know, the only reason I posted this was because so many people use their religious beliefs to belittle and tell people why they are wrong. I have friends who are LBGT. Not all of them are great people. But, notwithstanding the fact that they have their own prejudices, most of them are pretty tolerant of an awful lot. Not all religious people are bad either. Not all of them stand behind their prejudices 100% either. I have friends on both sides of the fence. I like those people, not because they can’t stand something, but because they are just nice people. xxxxxxx, I have to admit I didn’t fully understand all you said. I didn’t go and look up any of the “facts” you stated. All of those may be right. There is some evidence of intolerance for people with religious beliefs who have prejudices toward others who don’t share their beliefs. I also don’t know who created this as far as I don’t know her as a person. What I do know is that the LBGT has to tolerate a lot more prejudice, in general, than pretty much any religion (perhaps, other than Muslim). I am not siding with anyone here. I found it Funny and a finger pointing at most groups we have. I think the key words are “hides his bigotry behind religion.” Not all religious people do this. However, there are those who are truly afraid of anyone who disagrees with their religious beliefs. My spiritual beliefs are very open and I am happy with that. If you are happy with your own religious beliefs, wonderful. I wouldn’t try to change yours. I believe in allowing each person the freedom to follow their heart and soul as long as they don’t forcefully tread on someone else’s right. Thanks for commenting. 
Would love to hear your comments,

Reblog – What BDSM is and isn’t for Relationships

Since I “came out” as a Dom on this site some time ago>>> Here <<< I have been open but have not talked much about the lifestyle.  Some of that is simply I chose not to, but some of it was the knowledge that a big portion of my audience doesn’t think that they like it or will like it and they would simply stop reading.  So for you who simply have no interest (none, nada) in the BDSM lifestyle or questions or curiousities about it, feel free to move on to your next read.  For the rest of you, here is a link to a reblog that covers some very important information, but could be confusing if you are not a little familiar with the lifestyle and/or the terms.

I will add that, should you read it and  have questions, here I am, comment or email me at  I can keep a secret if that is what worries you.

Link: Read All of This!



End of the Year – BDSM Anyone?

Did the title shock you?  Repulse you?  Are you even reading this far?

Before going on, this post would be rated from heavy PG13 to R, so kiddies – no no….responsible adults, you may continue.

I know that there was a time in my past in which my current mores (right word?) would not have allowed me to go past the title, and I would not have had the interest to.  A shame, really.  I have found, since then, that BDSM is not like I had been told, not something evil (of course, I don’t believe in evil anymore, but you get the point), and not necessarily something to be avoided.

Since “coming out” on here > POST < I have had the freedom within myself to study and talk about BDSM without feeling worried or guilty.  The truth of the matter is that I feel freer than I have ever felt.

Other than going to some meetings and talking more, I don’t really think my life is a whole lot different than it ever was, at least, strictly because of BDSM.  Now, my spiritual change has altered my life very significantly and I am even more thankful for that.  Frankly, I think people are less accepting of my spiritual change than my affiliations with BDSM.  I find that interesting as physical pain and such could not be attributed to my spiritual change, but one could argue that BDSM leans more in that direction.

Regardless, we are ending a year today, no more 2017, and I want to have my last post of this year concern some educational practices for the masses.  So, I am offering up 2 things:  1) a short dissertation on BDSM (through wiki) and 2) the opportunity to ask me questions both publicly and privately.

  1. BDSM – just click and read – > Wiki on BDSM   If  you read the entire article (it is long), you will, perhaps, get a small understanding both of what BDSM encompasses and how easy it is to misunderstand.  “50 Shades of Gray” by PD James was not only a controversial book, but one that misrepresents BDSM.  The book only highlights the bad “Dom” – Christian and show how a woman in love can do all sorts of things, even somewhat unsafe things, to try and please her man.  Real BDSM, honest BDSM demands that both parties are informed of what can happen, what can’t happen, how to stop it, and what the risks are.  That wasn’t done in the movie nor the book.  Book 2 was better.  The true idea is for both parties to enjoy the experience as they wish to enjoy it.  Pain releases endorphins and these chemicals heighten responses and can give pleasure.  As long as safety is observed, it can be enjoyable.  I am not saying that there are not parts of BDSM that are not dangerous and unsafe.  All practices in most anything have their extremes; however, standard practices will include safety and be enjoyable for both parties.
  2. Here is  where I allow you all the opportunity to pick my brain.  You can do this either of two ways.  The first is simply to comment on this post and ask your question(s).  I will do my best to answer them, providing I don’t have to tell something not very proper on here or give out info I consider confidential.  The second way is more private.  My email is  Please just send me an email. If you really want secrecy, even from me, then open a new yahoo email (you are allowed  up to 5), call it and write me.  Either way, I will be glad to share with you.  This is part of my purpose, I think.  I am an educator and love to teach.  This allows me to continue my joy of educating.

Okay, Happy New Year!  I look forward to hearing from all of you, any of you, whatever positive you have to add or question you wish to ask.  I have been lucky enough to have good friends who share things about the lifestyle that have helped me make informed choices and are leading me into a good solid future where my life is a positive influence.

Thank you all.



Shades of Vanilla and Grey

Shades of Vanilla and Grey

I have been struggling for awhile with an issue and I have decided I should not have to struggle with it anymore.

When the book “50 Shades of Grey” first started being popular, I decided to purchase and read it. I had been interested in BDSM for awhile and had been studying it on the Internet through various articles and chatting with individuals in the lifestyle.

The book was interesting. However, I did not care for how it portrayed people in the lifestyle. Mr. Grey was not a very nice person and he was the only portrayal of BDSM presented in the novel. When I finished it (well, almost), I decided it was not a fit representation of the lifestyle and told people as much. What I was discovering online was a much fuller, richer life than the couple in the novel had. I also disliked the manner in which he gave her the “contract” for them to live by. He showed no interest in sitting down with her and explaining things, nor did he really give her much more than a “take it or leave it” situation where she would lose him if she didn’t go along. This is not how things work and Ms. James did not seem at all inclined to point this out in her novel.

I continued my studies in the lifestyle, finding it more and more intriguing. I had joined a website and written a great deal of my thoughts and feelings and allowed others to tell me how they felt and where my logic might be flawed or incomplete. I learned a great deal over the course of about a year and a half.

By this time, I realized I fit into this world. I supported the LBGTQ community, though I do not fit into any of those initials. I am straight, but understand. I finally decided to attend an event.

The event did not introduce me to all the people I wanted to meet.  I had not checked it out properly. However, I did come away with one very good friend who is still my good friend today. He is my mentor in the lifestyle and I am learning by leaps and bounds.

Here is the sad part. There are so many people who do not understand what the lifestyle really is and there are so many negative thoughts out there, it has been difficult for me (and for many others) to admit they are a part of such a large world. It is, indeed, larger than most people realize, not the few dozen or whatever is thought. Nor does it exist only in dark corners or just in California or New York. It is worldwide and you walk around many people everyday who join in when it suits them.

The BDSM world does not have to be 24/7, though it is for many. It can be a once-in-a-while thing or it can be the chosen life for an individual. It can involve just a single person or many people working and/or living together. There are guidelines, rules, protocols for the lifestyle and, to the surprise of many, these are followed, more often than not, much better than ordinary (vanilla) people follow similar ideals.

For instance, a person wanting to be with another will normally talk with them to see if there is any agreement at all. Then, when that part is done, a contract will be discussed. Items will be brought up concerning likes and dislikes of both parties, as well as “must haves” and “won’t dos”. If a place can be found in which both parties will be happy and in agreement, then the contract (written or not) will be agreed on and followed. If either party breaks the contract, they are called into question by the other party and a discussion may insue or the other party may simply leave, terminating the agreement.

This is so very different from dating or marriage protocols followed in the vanilla world. In this everyday world, people say one thing when they mean another, often hoping the other will believe it to be what they want and agree. Or they won’t talk much but believe “love” will conquer all, only finding out later they should have talked, discussed, and come to an agreement beforehand.

Marriage vows are rules given at the time of marriage, however, those seem to be often ignored or twisted soon after the service, when life begins to get in the way. Divorce rates continue to rise and it is often because of the lack of communication the end comes about. At least, in the BDSM world, the contract is, normally, discussed so discrepancies can be found out before any problems occur. In this world, for the most part, people would rather a relationship not happen at all than cause tremendous grief and turmoil because of something a little talking would have pointed out earlier.

I know people who are together and very happy because each knows how the other feels, what they prefer, and where they are/what they are doing most all the time. This does not come across as losing any needed independence; this happens because both parties (or however many) share their lives and don’t hide what is going on. Too many times in the majority world, people keep secrets because they are afraid what the other person might think if they knew. In the lifestyle, these secrets are not only shared, but, often celebrated and lived as it is what keeps the people together in the first place. People get together because of, not in spite of, what they desire.

I don’t want to make it sound perfect. There are problems just like with anything else. There are those who refuse to follow, who refuse to tell, who refuse to abide. These people are often kicked from the individual groups they try to be a part of and are rejected by this minority world at large when it becomes known. By the same token, a person who follows the protocols and is known for their honesty becomes a special person welcomed in most all groups.

I say all this merely to say I am a part of this world now. I am not a big pain person, giving or receiving. I have a lot of love to share and affection to give. I am of worth and smart and I understand what I am a part of. I continue to learn, however, all of my learning simply better prepares me to do what I feel is best for me. I am not one to strictly adhere to the guidelines and protocols as are some, however, I do have a basic respect and need to follow those rules, at least, to the point that keeps everyone safe, secure, and trusting. I believe fully in informed consent as well as mutual consent. People who are going to be in a relationship should understand each other very well and know what they are getting into before they make commitments. This doesn’t work very well in regular society as I have tried to be very open and honest and have been largely ignored, disbelieved, or thought to be weak for trying to be honest.

Finally, I am not trying here at all to get anyone to join the lifestyle or to even agree with me. I feel knowledge is both power and a boon to understanding and, perhaps, getting along. Should you have any questions, please ask me ( I would be glad to share what I know, find out what I don’t, and even, perhaps, meet if wanted to discuss topics, ideas, and share thoughts.



Beauty lies within yourself

The only impossible journey in life is you never begin!! ~Tanvir Kaur

Saania's diary - reflections, learnings, sparkles

Life is all about being curious, asking questions, and discovering your passion. And it can be fun!

North Noir


carly books

I read lots of books, from mythology retellings to literary fiction and I love to reread books from childhood, this is a place to voice my thoughts for fun. I also like to ramble about things such as art or nature every now and again.



. . .

love each other like you are the lyric to their music


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A Poet's Vision

"kindness is healing, writer & poet of sorts, "