Category Archives: Opinion

A Life Worth Living; One Worth Saving…

Abortion seems to be a huge issue in the political arena today, especially with our current President shoving the topic in everyone’s faces. I agree it is a volatile and important issue, but the question ultimately becomes “Who gets to choose who lives in the case of many third-trimester abortions.

My hail goes out to the wonderful man who stated on Fox how he views this topic, watch it. The two minutes will do all of us well.

It is very easy to simply turn the reigns over to the government for so many things. This current administration does not run things at all as I would like to see them run. I have stated before that I helped to vote him in as our leader and have since decided that was a poor choice (though the other side was worse, in my opinion even now).

That all being said, abortion is something that I wish, for the most part our government would stay out of. I know that is a rather simple statement and does not allow for all the people and organizations taking advantage of poor women who have gotten into situations they only know of one way to get out of. I can picture several that deserve out attention.

  1. A young college student, 18-20 yo especially, leave a high school in which the community was, for the most part, a fairly high moral environment. She gets to college (usually a large one) and is exposed to many many different aspects, legal and not-so. After a few months, she gets a bit lost in the new patterns, starts dating, and gets involved with a less-than-wonderful person (oh, it happens!). One thing leads to another and she ends up pregnant. She may have even been careful, but not so the other one. Now, he leaves her, perhaps, even leaves the college, and she is left with the matter to herself. Most likely, she wanted a baby SOME day, but not now, with college debt under her belt and no way to get a decent job yet. Add to that, poor, proud parents – and abortion is a way out, rather than trying to raise a child in a place where he/she will be poor, sick, and the mother might have really helped in her job as whatever…
  2. The second one is a reference back to the clip above. A woman intentionally gets pregnant, maybe not her first, and that child or the woman become very unhealthy in the last trimester because of the pregnancy. Is it really right to put the woman and/or the fetus through so much stress when it is likely the woman may die and leave an entire family without its mother?
  3. Illness, ignorance of the problems, there are many more reasons. You think of them or look them up.

This is not the do-all topic of objection to me, but the way it has been presented is wrong; it is unfair of our leader to put things this way – and that’s not the only thing he has done this one. This isn’t a put-down to the President; it is a wake-up call to everyone to think and think and think, then think some more – then vote, however you vote – let knowledge and true understanding fill you up as you enter the polls or vote from home.



Why Did Russia Do It?

I listened to this twice in a row.  Very important.  Listen carefully for 11 min and see what you think.  I would love Comments.

How and Why Russia hacked the DNC


Scott L. Vannatter

Life, Universe,and Lunch

“Perhaps,” stated Johnson a bit too loudly for the coffee cafe they were seated in, “Perhaps, you just need to think a little better.  I mean, 42? Really not the answer to everything.”

Keldon didn’t stutter, shake, or even nod; he merely put his coffee on the table, the steam swirling in to the cooled air.

“Are you so sure?”

“Of course, I am.  For instance, it is not the answer to the question, “How many pizza slices will I need for dinner?”

“That depends,’ Keldon spoke as he, once again, picked his cup and lifted it for a sip.

“How can it, possibly, depend?”

Keldon looked around at the audience, many of whom were intent on hearing his answer.

“If you are going to buy slices for everyone here right now, 42 would be just about right.”

“That’s ridiculous!  That wasn’t the question.”  People around nodding their heads.

“Or, perhaps, it is and you just aren’t asking the right question.”

With that, Keldon motioned the waitress over for a large order.


-words 170-


No Time Like the Present

I don’t plan these posts far ahead of time.  In fact, most are thoughts in the moment combined with ongoing thoughts in my head.  This is the first time I have, actually, been afraid of the November election process.  I have gone on record stating that I voted for Trump in 2016.  I did so because I did not want Hilary in the White House (still don’t).  However, that was, I see now, an unwinnable tenet in voting.  Trump has taken four very long years out of the life of this country and stepped all over it in the name of progress and self-serving ideals.  I was happy when he was elected.  That lasted about 3-4 months when I started seeing what a Frankenstein we had elected.  This devaluation of Democracy, of United States’ social/economical values, as well as the value of the individual has continued for years now.  I have see-sawed on worry about this election.  At times, I felt Democracy and pride in our country was going to win out.  Right now, I am worried.  I still believe that all things work out in the end, but that process, I feel, could be lengthened this November.

I spent this morning catching up on the Conventions a bit.  This one speech I, particularly, enjoyed.  It held hope and elevation of people at it’s heart.  It’s less than 25 mins and I feel it could raise your hopes if you let it.

Obama’s speech 2020 

If you do nothing else, please think about how “Great” America has gotten these last few years.  Job losses, disease deaths, hopelessness, wealthy getting wealthier,…the list does not stop there.

I urge you to get out and vote to get America back on track.

Sincerely.  Namaste,


How have We Changed; Let Me Count the Ways

I was sitting here this morning going through my last post and checking out the likes.  As I sat there, I saw another post by someone quite some time ago that lent my brain to the thought of “how much we have changed.”  I realized that this pandemic will have repercussions that will last nearly indefinitely in many cases.  I ask for your comments afterward just to confirm my suspicions.

First, I know that our Internet will be changed forever.  I see the slumps in time when many many people are more active.  Work is now being done from home, a lot.  That increases the load on all the carriers and slows us down as individuals.  This will, hopefully, lead to more tolerance as people “get used to” an already slow system.  Also, the vast variety that was already inherent in the Net has increased.  So many people have found so many different ways to get things done from home online and to express themselves more and with more variety in what they do.  We have also kept our friends on hand more through online services and methods.  No longer able always to just jump in our cars and drive to a friend’s house, we connect even more as we have done in the years past – online.  Facebook explodes with new knowledge; Youtube is constantly expanding with both commercial content (movies, etc…) and our personal films to show how we feel and what we are doing.

My biggest surprise during all of this has been that blog posting has dropped.  By myself, yes, but also I read about 1-2 posts a week now and it used to be 7-10+ a day before.  I have speculated on the why this is so, but really, don’t know as it’s not like we don’t have time to write.  I ask myself why I haven’t written a book or many stories in these last 5+ months and I find that I am not as interested in writing now…could this be it all around?  I do miss my other Internet friends. It feels as if I have been cut off from 1/2 my life.

Then there is cooking and groceries.  Mom and I used to go out 1 time or more to Cracker barrel a week.  That is down to zero right now.  Being 62 and Mom almost 86, neither of us has any business joining in on the reopening of restaurants and businesses.  I grocery shop once a week for both of us and I spend more time concerned about getting sick and not being able to take care of Mom than I do on my shopping.  Plus so much buying now for home meals has changed the way I eat.  I went through a horrible last two months trying to settle in and keep my sugar down.  Some drastic steps that will become habit and I am, finally, pleased to say my sugar is now normal and I feel better.

Sleep has changed.  I enjoy my quiet nights on the computer, so my day is up around 1:00p and bed around 2:00a, reading for about 1/2 hour.  My sleep has been drastically affected lately and I am, just now, getting it back somewhat under control.

Work has changed even more than just doing it online.  People are, finally, getting able and becoming comfortable with casual clothing during the day.  I never liked having to wear ties and dress pants every day.  I understand the reasons, but I like this new trend.  Hopefully, it will become more and more available to those going back to work.  I know that many are simply finding they can do more and more from home and, in the long run, this may well save money for employers.  I have my counseling sessions more often now and don’t mind as I get them from home.

The environment is changing.  Our air is getting cleaner.  There are still those who complain about not driving everywhere, but I have heard there are places in China where people can see mountains from their city homes for the first time in decades.  How cool is that!?  If those places are getting better, won’t we all benefit in the years to come, especially if some of these changes stick?

From an entertainment point of view, I watch many more movies, shows, and shorts than I used to (I know hard to believe!).  I am retired and handicapped, but I still have fewer things to do each day or week, allowing me more personal time at home. I am catching up on so much of the videos and shows that I had fallen behind on.  And, I read more!  Each night and most days I read for 1-2 hours.  This feels great as I had lost that in the shuffle of life.

I do play video games, though I find that to be somewhat less than it was.  That would seem strange to me, but I have begun to dabble back into game programming (mods and such) and reading a lot of scientific and how-to videos and writings than before.

Life has slowed down for me.  I take my time (something I have always hoped to do) and look at the world a bit more.  There is no big reason to hurry anymore (what are you hurrying for?)  I get things done in my own time.

Money is changing a bit, too. I am a firm believer in the Law of Attraction (join my Facebook group: at LofA ) and believe that this situation has done my income some help.  I don’t spend much on gas anymore. In fact, my auto insurance has dropped about $12 a month because of this.  I don’t spend as much going out, eat better now, and don’t buy things without thinking about it.  Online buying has helped that.

I am very certain that you can think of more ways that this pandemic situation has changed our lives.  Not all are for the better, of course, and I hope and pray for each and every one of you and your families.  Stay well and stay healthy and stay positive. Let me know what’s going on with you…




Beauty lies within yourself

The only impossible journey in life is you never begin!! ~Tanvir Kaur

Saania's diary - reflections, learnings, sparkles

Life is all about being curious, asking questions, and discovering your passion. And it can be fun!

North Noir


carly books

I read lots of books, from mythology retellings to literary fiction and I love to reread books from childhood, this is a place to voice my thoughts for fun. I also like to ramble about things such as art or nature every now and again.



. . .

love each other like you are the lyric to their music


We are all Kindred Spirits; connected in Life


The website where movies count

A Poet's Vision

"kindness is healing, writer & poet of sorts, "