Weekly Wins

Rule Summary-

I will try to do this on Sunday’s post from now on, but tonight will work, I am certain. When Sunday’s post comes out I would like to put up a scenario. It will be open-ended and I would like all of you who are interested to take a hand in finishing it. Here are the rules:

1) Read the scenario and finish it in 200 words or less.
2) Send it to bookman23@comcast.net and put in the subject line: Story of the week
3) I will read through them and choose the top 3 choices, in my humble opinion, based on clarity, originality, and appropriateness.
4) Please keep the rating down to a PG13 or less.
5) I will post next Sunday, the top 3 and let you vote on who you like best (and make comments, of course, up until, say Friday. Then, I will announce the winner by placing it on a separate posting page in my Blog entitled “Weekly Wins”. I will link back to you, of course, and give you proper accolades.

My big job then, this week is to figure out how to put a voting box into the post with selections for the 3 story choices. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


The weekly winners of the Kindredspirit23 Blog Scenario:
1)  Week One – Scenario – Ended 7/22/2012

Joe walked into the dimly lit restaurant, tossing his cigarette into the ash bin by the door. He was a little apprehensive about the meeting, but didn’t know quite where the feeling came from. He allowed the sun’s glare to dissipate. Then, he focused on the tables. Near the back, he spied Lisa, a tall brunette, sitting at a booth, drink in hand. As he stepped in the direction of the table, his apprehension became nearly tangible. There, next to Lisa was Sarah…

Winner:  Linda Stapleton

who he had last seen six months ago, when he identified her dead body in the morgue. How could this be, was he seeing things, had he made a mistake when he assured the police that the corpse was the woman he had been married to for the past 15 years? Sarah was now rising to her feet to greet him. Soon he would know if she was flesh and blood or a figment of his troubled imagination. As the all too real woman reached out her hand to take his, Lisa said, “Hi, Joe. I am sorry about the subterfuge but I didn’t want to give the game away when I asked to meet you at short notice. Do you remember my sister, Jane; we were all at college together? I haven’t seen her since that terrible day of Sarah’s funeral, but she is in town for just a couple of days and couldn’t leave without the chance to see you again. I hope you’re pleased to see her.”
2) Scenario for week ending July 28, 2012:
“Jeff settled into a spot on the grimy alley floor. His grizzled face showed the several days’ inattentiveness on his part. He felt a thin line of spit form at the corner of his mouth. He reached up to wipe it off and accidentally knocked the remnant of a cigarette from his mouth. The sparks flew as the nearly-used Camel hit the gravel. He reached for it and saw the shoes standing in front of him. As he followed the leg of the pants upward with his eyes…


Feel free to say something; I look forward to it!

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. . .

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