Tag Archives: spaghetti

What has Happened!?

15229990617_b8407b3feb_o                                              Image Location:  https://www.flickr.com/photos/quinnanya/15229990617

I spend a lot of time now, reading posts, watching clips, reading emails, and looking at articles about various subjects.  It would be unfair to say I am becoming some sort of expert on an area, but more to say I am becoming a little better at most areas.  Still there are times when I want to throw up my hands and scream at people.

Two examples that I will describe and give the link after.  First, a young woman in school, ran unopposed for a position in the national honor society.  After the votes were tallied, there was a conference and she was told she had been stripped of her title because she wore a spaghetti-strap dress to give the speech.  The dress was said to be in violation of the school dress code.

Number two, a teacher posts one of those vintage postcards on her pinterest page.  It says, “Hey!  Wanna know a secret?  You’re the reason your teachers are alcoholics.”  A parent who read this is wanting the teacher punished.

Okay, here’s the links, then my disgust…

Honor Society: http://my.xfinity.com/video/student-stripped-of-honor-society-title-over-dress/453153859753/Comcast/Today_in_Video?cid=hero_sf_trick

Pinterest Comment:  http://my.xfinity.com/video/teacher-investigated-for-sarcastic-social-media-post/453387331833/Comcast/Today_in_Video?cid=hero_sf_trick

I am getting so very, very tired of the “people police” who watch everything that everyone says, writes, posts, jokes, mentions, or even whispers in their own shower.  These people, I think that if one tries to come down on me or my friends, I am going to lash out and scream at them.  I hate trolls, but they simply do stuff to cause trouble in general.  These folks seem to go out of their way to find some way of hurting someone who is just blowing off a little steam or something.  I loved teaching, but I am not so sure I would enjoy being in a school system where I had to watch every word I ever spoke or wrote because, no matter how innocent, it could be twisted and lose me my job.

And who says it has to stop with students and teachers?  What is going to happen to the doctor who makes a joke on FB about cancer?  What about the grocery store clerk who mentions that he thinks one of the older people that visit his store is taking an apple or two?  No names, but someone calls and says he is talking about me, I know it and I want him fired!  It is approaching the point where entitlement, that overused word, has people thinking they can have anyone punished for anything and society and even the legal system are both saying, “yes, you can.”

Take a better stand.  Find something worth fighting about and stand for that.  Quit this nit-picking and tattling on people.  We are, grownups, acting like little children.  And, it used to be, those little children had sore hind ends when they did the stuff people are doing.  I think I begin to see the problem…



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