An Award that Keeps me “Shining On”

I have been nominated again and I love it!   Actually, this is my second time for the award, but I do them anyway, cuz it’s just fun!!!

It’s the Shine On award.

And the rules are as follows:
1. Display the award logo on your blog.

2. Link back to the person who nominated you.

3. State 7 things about yourself.

4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.


Ok, for number 1, simply click on the pic above to link back to lazylauramaisey;s blog.

Number 2 is fun.  I love stating things about myself that are not involved in a blog, just facts.

1)  When I was very little, I dressed up in fancy clothes and won a container of bubble gum / ribbon at our local fair.

2)  I studied the piano for several years when little, but, other than use it to help me sing, I didn’t do much with it later.

3)  I have double vision from my May 2010 stroke, but use part of a Magic the Gathering Trading Card to block out part of my right lens so I can see without the doubles.

4)  One of my eyes never dilates, the other is always dilated (stroke again).

5)  For many years, my heart-throb was Jessica Alba.

6)  I served as a head of jury once in Indianapolis.

7)  I have written several well-received mod programs for the video game Oblivion.  One such mod added several dozen people to the population of Tamriel and I wrote several books for use in the game.


I don’t know that I will get 15 people nominated, but here are some for you:

1)  Maggie Grace

2)  Lillie McFerrin

3)  Marina Kanavaki

4)  Mollie Player Mollie is one of my favorite people.  I have learned a great deal from  her blog.

5)  The War in My Brain

6)  Mrs. Reckless Writes

Well, that’s 6 and covers a lot of new people for me.  Please visit their blogs and read a post or two.  Who knows?  You might start following them, too!



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