Is It All Too Much?

Source: Google – right to reuse

I was at Walmart the other evening looking for a few items to round out my groceries.  I made a huge purchase weeks ago and used a lot of coupons, saving about $35 in all.  Pretty good for me.  That meant, though, a lot of cereal – I mean a lot.  So, I began eating cereal at supper (late) and found out that it digests better and keeps my sugar lower than most other foods.  A friend suggested it was because cereals are more simple carbs instead of complex ones.  I don’t know, but it works remarkably well.

Back to the issue at hand.  I was at Walmart and turned to get a couple of boxes of cereal.  For the umpteenth time I looked down that huge isle and looked at all the cereals, brands, and types.  I started counting different types.  When I reached 114 I realized that I was just over 1/2 done.  So, I estimate just about 200 different types of cereal.  Let me repeat that:  2-0-0 d-i-f-f-e-r-e-n-t t-y-p-e-s!  Now, that’s a lot of cereal!  Thinking back on it, I saw different brands:  Kellogg’s, Post, General Mills, and several smaller brand names.  But most of the cereals were of those 3 brands.  Then, even after the brands, I did not totally ignore sizes, but that would have made it even more!

I also saw, for instance, (I am remembering here, so don’t hold me to specifics):  there was a Cheerios regular, Honey Nut Cheerios, A Chocolate (dark) Cheerios, and at least 2-3 more different types.

Here’s my point:  While I really enjoy having all the choices, it bothers me that when I was little we had less than 10 cereals to choose from and a few of those were more aimed at adults.  We had Cheerios, Wheaties, Raisin Bran, Corn Flakes, Captain Crunch, Trix, Fruit Loops, Rice Krispies, Special K, and Frosted Flakes.  That was, basically it.  I remember what a big deal it was when Captain Crunch added Crunch Berries!  My problem?  I just wonder if it isn’t all too much.  The cereal varieties are only a small tip on a large iceberg of choice and discontent.  We have so many choices on everything.  I am not certain that is such a bad thing, but it does seem to have promoted a poor attitude of “Give me more” or “More Choices”.  For me, it is pretty much to the point that if I see something I like, I will wait about 3-9 months for it.  Then, someone will create a new choice and the original’s price will drop or they will find a way to make an even cheaper unit.  It’s just time now, not “if” but “when”.

How does this make you feel?  In a way, it makes me feel old and that this generation is rather spoiled, or could well be.

What can be done?



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  • Holistic Wayfarer  On July 12, 2014 at 12:34 pm

    I plan to write on this one of these days. What one writer called the inverse power of choice. There’s a threshold beyond which it’s just too much.


  • Andrea Stephenson  On March 22, 2014 at 5:48 pm

    It’s great to have choices, but I think our lives would be so much simpler if we didn’t have quite so many choices. We do our grocery shopping online, so it doesn’t seem so overwhelming, as we tend to just buy what we need rather than being tempted by the groaning aisles! (P.S. Carolyn is in progress – in the middle of my first careful reading!)


  • Indira  On March 21, 2014 at 7:56 am

    I feel the same as you. Nowadays people have lot to choose from and confused.


  • cravesadventure  On March 19, 2014 at 11:54 am

    I am with you in that there are some aisles in the grocery store that are just overwhelming with all the choices, especially cereal. I break out in the sweats in the salad dressing aisle – what is really good for you with the oils, the salt and the sugar – I end up buying olive oil and vinegar and making my own. Good Luck!


  • rebecca2000  On March 19, 2014 at 12:42 am

    Your mistake was going to Walmart.


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