From the Bunker…

First, do understand that, except for the obvious (masks on the few times I go outside, not eating at Cracker Barrel, shopping for groceries w/o Mom) my life is mostly the same.  I was a kinda “stay at home” person.  I have my online friends, my buddies in my games of scrabble and Friends with words, and now 1 on Deluxe Scrabble.  So I am still social and even more so with all of you out there reading and commenting.  I have a great deal of friends.

But still “From the Bunker” does pull up the correct emotions.  I see very few people and even fewer friends.  But, my latest trip out:

I went to Walmart for my Insulin and decided that, vow or no vow, I would buy some things there.  I still know they are not as nice as Meijer’s people, but I did need groceries and they did have them.  Not exactly certain why Walmart has groceries while other stores don’t.  I would guess it is because they can buy so much stock at one time, as big as they are.  Regardless, I called in my RX order, went and picked it up, then headed to the grocery section.  Now, I was in there less than an hour. I don’t know what I expected to see, but what I did see was a bit scary.

There were, perhaps 50-80 customers plus employees, so 100 maybe.  Now, I was the only one I saw wearing gloves or a mask.  I do stand corrected as I saw one masked woman coming in as I left.  But the employees had not gloves either nor masks.  I still never heard one cough.  However, as I was coming into the store, the door flies open and 5 little children come running out of the store followed by BOTH parents.  Now, I know there could be reasons, but I kept wondering why 1 didn’t stay home so the other parent would shop and not put the children in danger.

There were no big incidents and I got all the things I wanted in the quantities I wanted.  This leads me to “try” and shop some at Walmart again.  See here for the other reasons I left.

There are very few people actually on the road at a given moment.  Many are parked and shopping, the rest are home.  The teens were the ones I saw hanging together and shopping much closer than 6 feet.  However, in a supermarket, did you ever try to pass someone in the aisle AND remain 6 feet apart?  Really, now.

I did see one stock clerk stumble, drop a bunch of empty boxes, then stumble again trying to pick them up.  As I got nearer to him I said, “You know, that two of the symptoms, loss of coordination and inability to carry much weight.”  He looked up and said, “Really?”  I replied, “Oh, not the coronavirus.  It means you are overworked and very tired.”  He smiled. “yes,” he said.

It’s the smile I wanted.  Yes, Susannah, smile, keep smiling, AND get others to smile, if for just a second.  Susannah.



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