Another Wonderful Round of Questions

Well, as pointed out, this is a holiday weekend (at least here in the US). So, I got a lot of views, but only two takers on the questions.

Both, however, are people I admire , and they asked great questions. So I will answer them in detail. Also, I am thanking Soma in advance for agreeing to draw me a nice award picture to hand this new award out.

The first question came from jmmcdowell – “If you could meet anyone from history, who would it be and what would you ask?”
I am going to make the assumption that we could understand each other, first. Now, the hard part is that I would have so much trouble narrowing it down to just one person. But I think I know. So, here are my runner ups:

Jesus - drawn by an 8 year old - I like this!

Jesus – drawn by an 8 year old – I like this!

1) Jesus – As I believe the Bible so much differently than most of the people I meet, I would ask Jesus how much of what was attributed to him was really said, and I want to know how it should have been said. I think Jesus would have a lot to tell me about “what the Bible says” and I don’t think the majority of Christians would, particularly, like or believe it. I do feel that, even if the entire event were, televised, people watching it would hear mostly what they wanted to, throw out or reinterpret the rest, and, if nothing else worked, proclaim Him a phony. Just our nature.

How could you not love talking to a guy like this!

How could you not love talking to a guy like this!

2) Einstein – This man seems to have a way to talk down on our level about things that are way above our level. I would just want to talk life, science, and spirituality (he was spiritual) all day.

George Washington Carver

3) George Washington Carver – The original “Peanut” man, I would enjoy discussing all types of things with him. I mean, how could you not enjoy talking with someone who did so much for people when he was considered a minority?

4) Joan D’Arc – I have always admired her. Her determinism and spirituality give me shivers whenever I think of her. Of course, part of it could be the fact that Milla Jovovich starred in one of the movies and I love her . (sputter) her acting. 🙂

5) Ghandi – Just would enjoy listening to his views on life and everything

6) The Dalai Lama – I would have put him first and foremost as I love reading his books and hearing his ideas. However, he is already very plain-spoken. He says what he means and doesn’t mince words or try to cover it up. Reading his books are fine for me.

The winner, the person I would love to sit down and just talk to all day is Helen Keller. Helen Keller has been my heroine and inspiration since I read her story back in early school. She has been much of the reason my life has been molded in the lines it has. She is, in my opinion, one of my original “kindred spirits”. I would love to sit down with her and just ask her about everything. I want to know all from her deep fears and depressions to the excitement of realizing she could “see” the world and communicate. It would have to make me a stronger, better person. Great question.

The second question, posed by Soma, is “Tell us about your first crush, first kiss and first love”, Now, that gets to the “meat” of the person, doesn’t it? Those can be very personal questions if answered fully.

It would be difficult to tell you about my first “Crush”. I remember really liking (spending thought time on) the daughter of my mother’s friend, one of my babysitters, and a girl in first grade with me. The fact that these images still remain tells me they were important to me. My biggest “crushes” would have been on TV celebrities as I spent so much time watching as a boy (see post).

There were dozens there, and I would be in those episodes with them. So, telling you about my “first” crush would be difficult for me as I can’t separate the times out well enough.

When you talk about “love” however, it is a different matter. My first “girlfriend” was when I was 8-9 years old and in 3rd grade. She was beautiful, long black hair, dark complected, deep eyes, waifish figure, and hung with me during recesses in 3rd grade. She moved shortly after that and I had a place in my heart that was hurting for a long time. I never forgot her. I did get to see her once when I was in high school. She returned to visit our church (I believe) one Sunday. What I remember is that she had gone from beautiful to breath-taking and that image burned itself into my mind, to this day.

I think that became my mindset image of comparison for me to use when choosing future dating partners for a long time. I have moved past that now and look a lot at the person, who she is, what’s she like, (most important) what does she think of me. I am watching as much as I can to see that I choose someone, not out of a dream this time, but someone I can, honestly, dream about and expect those dreams to become a reality.

The Kiss, that kiss, as “Hearts in Atlantis” stated,”the kiss by which all future kisses will be judged” (not an exact quote, but the exact meaning – sorry). I did not have that kiss until I was a sophomore (10th). I didn’t date much, but I went on a double date with a great friend of mine and took out someone I had liked for awhile. We were not “in love”; it was just a fun time (I think we went bowling, but can’t really remember it). Anyway, we rode home quietly and I walked her to the door. I was very shy growing up, so I feel certain that she must have done something to let me know it was okay to kiss her.

I remember our lips touching and every single fiber of my body lighting up like Christmas. When I walked back out to the car, I remember my buddy saying, “Well, what do you think?” My simple answer was, “I think I could get used to this.” I never asked her out again (isn’t that strange?). We went our separate ways, but that few seconds of past will absolutely haunt me forever. The stroke didn’t even faze that one. It is the kiss that I use to judge all kisses. I remember what I did and I do that anytime I kiss someone. How they kiss back has always told me a lot about them (maybe, as it seems, not enough, but a lot). Most of it, I have come to realize is just being relaxed and comfortable. Those two things, when present on a date, lead to a wonderful time and easy conversation. That I do enjoy.

Thanks, Soma, it feels good to release some emotions like that. I look forward to sending out the new “award” soon.

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  • Indira  On June 5, 2012 at 11:26 am

    Jesus drawn by 8 years old is just marvelous, can’t describe how much i liked it. This post is equally marvelous.


  • Soma Mukherjee  On May 28, 2012 at 2:41 am

    Aha 🙂
    loved the answers and had a lot of aww moments knowing more about you 🙂
    Hey check your mail,have sent you some logos for awards and tell me what you think will send you more if you dont like them 🙂


    • kindredspirit23  On May 28, 2012 at 10:07 am

      I got the email and thanks. I have chosen the first one listed (equation).
      Glad you got some aww moments.


  • buckwheatsrisk  On May 27, 2012 at 4:52 pm

    so interesting! i think i would like to talk to Lincoln, and Martin Luther King.


  • susartandfood  On May 27, 2012 at 4:08 pm

    wow that pic of Jesus is quite amazing – yes?


  • Aspergers Girls  On May 27, 2012 at 3:34 pm

    What a lovely post. I want to meet all those people with you when you go!!! Take me, too. 🙂 Loved learning more about your huge heart. Hugs, Sam


    • kindredspirit23  On May 27, 2012 at 4:02 pm

      Thanks, Sam.
      I would love to take you with me.
      All those people would be fascinating and I would enjoy hearing how they answer your questions, too.


  • jmmcdowell  On May 27, 2012 at 2:18 pm

    Oops, I wasn’t clear at all! Those questions about “who were your parents” and “where were you really born” were directed at my ancestors. Those are the things I’d want to ask them. They’re the historical people I’d like to meet and talk with.

    Sorry for the confusion! 🙂


    • kindredspirit23  On May 27, 2012 at 2:49 pm

      Lol – well, the info certainly didn’t hurt anyone and I didn’t mind answering and meant all I said.
      You learned something about me, and I got to share. If everyone benefits, how can it be a mistake?
      I think it is wonderful that you would want to talk to your own ancestors.


  • jmmcdowell  On May 27, 2012 at 1:25 pm

    Interesting list of historic figures! My thoughts often turn to my ancestors. I’d love to see them in their time, with family and friends about them. What were they like? What did they think? What made them leave one place for another? And for some of them—who the heck were your parents?! Where were you really born?! You’re a brick wall! Please tell me! 🙂


    • kindredspirit23  On May 27, 2012 at 1:51 pm

      Now, see? That’s what comes of not being specific enough! 🙂
      My parents are good, down-to-earth people. My Dad and I had a rough time growing up.
      I was a lot like Mom; passive and just try to get along; Dad was the one who ran things.
      He wanted me to be successful and well-off and all; I tried to please him, but never really pleased myself because I didn’t like me much. Dad was from Indiana; Mom was from Kentucky. In the last few years, Dad and I as well as Mom and I have learned a lot about each other and ourselves. My stroke put some things in motion that have affected all of us and, I think, brought us closer together.
      I was born in New Castle, Indiana. It’s a small-medium sized, rural-type town. It’s where, ironically, I ended up teaching. Mom and Dad settled in Middletown. Dad was born in the area; Mom and her parents moved to find work; which Grandpa (Papaw) did in Anderson. Now, he was someone I had the chance to get to know really well, but didn’t. That, I do regret.
      You know, just because I asked for questions and created some posts around them, doesn’t mean I won’t answer anything asked of me. Just ask! Who knows? I may get stuck for a post idea and that lead into something both helpful to me and interesting to you and others. I am not an open book; you have to ask. I grew up really shy; I don’t mind now; I can handle crowds and speaking and such, but, I normally only tell what is asked. Thanks for coming back with such a comment. The only thing I really ask of anyone is to be honest; if I give info (or don’t) and it’s not enough or not understood, just ask. I am a teacher; I don’t mind reexplaining. If you knew some of the things I was asked by my students, you wouldn’t worry much about asking anything! 🙂


Feel free to say something; I look forward to it!

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