The View from the Mountaintop

English: Caraiman Cross on Bucegi mountaintop....

English: Caraiman Cross on Bucegi mountaintop. Secondary view, Busteni city in Prahova Valley. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So, you are sitting on top of a mountain and looking all around at the world. What do you notice? Me? I notice how flippin’ high I am! But that is me. Yes, that is, certainly, me.

For most of us, we notice all the beautiful land lying out below us. You can see the grassy meadows, the forests, the rivers, everything just laid out under you.

Do you understand what you are truly looking at? Let me give you a second to think. Now, have you figured out what you are looking at yet?

I doubt you get this. It would be a little against human nature for you to see this truth. Give up? Okay, what you are seeing is the valley.

Mountaintop view looking north from 18.21512N,...

Mountaintop view looking north from 18.21512N, 66.21719W (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Here you are standing on top of a mountain, most people’s dream, to be on the mountaintop. And, you are thinking what a gorgeous valley is down there. That same valley that 99% of the people (probably you, too, in reality) are in and just dying to get out of and go…where? Well to the mountaintop, of course.

As humans, we seem to constantly be dissatisfied with where we are, wherever that is, and want to be somewhere else. People in the heat often want to be in the cold. People who are around snow the entire time wish they were on the beach while those on the beach may long for the forests. It is a never-ending circle of “I wish”.

This is not really a “hey, be satisfied with where you are” type of thing. Really, wanting to change and improve your life is your business and is, probably, good for you.


change (Photo credit: Sean MacEntee)

What is really important here is to see things for what they are, opportunities. God, my word for the entity in charge, has led you to a set of circumstances. He is now allowing you to chose (again) so that the next thing can happen.

I don’t believe at any point, does God go, “Well, I am done with you. You have messed it up too much this time.” If He did, I would be dead.

Think for a minute. I am in pain 24/7 at about a level 2-6. I am on about 5-8 medications (10 if you count supplements to help me). My diet is horribly restricted. I have a heck of a time walking without a cane and not always pleasant with one. I can’t hold a regular job. I don’t sleep well at all, and I see double.  But, life is wonderful!

Iconic screen shot from the movie It's a Wonde...

Iconic screen shot from the movie It’s a Wonderful Life. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Yet, that is my mountaintop! From this position atop my peak in life, I toss out advice, humor, spiritual awareness, practical knowledge, or insane dealings to over 70 (76 at last count) countries every day. I receive comments from different people around the world and consider myself to have friends from, at least, a dozen countries; people I would love to meet and have a meal/chat with. I do work from home (just not hugely profitable yet in the money field). I am a writer, something I have always wanted to be. I am even, now, a published writer. It feels good to say that. And, I have a following of people who look forward to hearing from me each day.

I have friends here as well as family. I do get out; I do things. I own my home; I take care of myself. Yes, this is my mountaintop. And, yes, I do look at the valley around me and wish…
but that is another blog…
Enjoy your mountaintop and your valley.


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  • Linda Stapleton de Martinez  On September 11, 2012 at 8:27 am

    I knew there was a very good reason why I didn’t delete this one and hung onto it until the right moment. So encouraging, Scott, I love your positive attitude…God is so good. I read yesterday that when we are worried we should pray (or whatever you guys choose to do) and the answer to prayer is not necessarily a change in circumstances but peace in the storm until it ends, as it will eventually. A great start to my Tuesday, thank you dear friend.


    • kindredspirit23  On September 11, 2012 at 10:28 am

      So wonderful to hear from such a dear friend. Years and years we have now, still, someday, would like to meet!


  • Marisa  On September 8, 2012 at 4:30 pm

    So happy for you, Scott! I’m enjoying my mountain top too 😀


  • Jaklyn  On September 8, 2012 at 12:48 pm

    wonderfull !!!!!


  • buckwheatsrisk  On September 7, 2012 at 11:10 pm

    so good. i just moved 4 months ago from Penticton BC (it’s a valley) and I climbed the mountains at least three times a week and i was so aware of that parallel then. weird as beautiful as many find that valley, I wanted i’m here in Northern Alberta and I’ve hated it here (Valley) but we just bought our first home in a little town 15 mins. out from the city, and I’m so excited (Mountain)…albeit not one from nature I am about to truly enjoy my mountain again 🙂


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