The Day and After Effects

Well, yesterday was the procedure…my colonoscopy.  Obviously, I lived.  But, for the more curious, here are the details.

The Prep day was strange and, at times, a bit scary.  I began at 3pm drinking their liquids and taking their pills, finishing last bit at 7pm.  Nothing really happened until 10:30 except that I was nauseous.  I did  take my sleeping meds at 1:30am when I decided that things were just going to be whatever they were.  I was not as “cleaned out” as they would have liked.  I called their service at 1:30 and the Dr. on call told me to take my last two pills (that made 10) in the morning when I got up.  I took them at 6:30.

When Dad and Mom picked me up at 8:30, I was still not sure what would happen that day.  When I arrived and the nurse checked me in, I told her.  She went to refer with the specialist, but felt I would, most likely, have the scope, but they might have to stop and reschedule if it wasn’t clear enough!  Arg!

The doctor was an hour late (emergency), so I got in about 11am.  The scope itself went very well.  My blood pressure stayed good and my sugar was okay.  I told them I was awake the whole time, but I think I dozed off.  It went awfully quick for how long I was gone.  I left about 1:15pm.

The news was fantastic!  I had no polyps, no cancer, and was told to come back in 5 years.  It would have been 10, but she could not see some of the finer details and wanted to make sure in time.  She said, though, that she found no problems at all except for 4 pills in my colon.  I have no idea what they were as I had only had 2 pills since 1:30am.

My Mom came and stayed with me for a few hours (after we ate! Man, was that good!).  We watched “The Reef”, an animated show for Mom, but I fell sound asleep and she slept through a lot of it!  I slept on the couch that night and stayed there all day today.  I actually watched 5 movies while I lay there.  I am getting ready to go to bed right after this post is done and I am still exhausted.  I may have to stay on the couch again tomorrow.  We will see.

Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.  Except for the tiredness, I feel great.  Big load off my mind.



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