And the Nominees are…

Nah, not this award, but it’s a great picture!

I was given nomination for two awards by Ruby, for the Very Inspiring Blogger and the Versatile Blogger.  I happily accept both.  It is my second time around for the Versatile Blogger.  The rules, I believe, have been combined and are as follows:

The rules that need to be followed are:

  1. Display the Award Certificate on your website

  2. Announce your win with a post and link to whoever presented your award

  3. Present 15 awards to deserving bloggers

  4. Drop them a comment to tip them off after you’ve linked them in the post

  5. Post 7 interesting things about yourself.

The two awards are now on my posting page.  The second one goes to Ruby if you click on it.  I left the first one still pointing to the person who nominated me the first time.

That also took care of number two.  To visit Ruby, just click on the second award pic.

Three and four are handled below.

Now for number 5 – the 7 interesting things about me:

1)  Mom and Dad were deciding between Scott and Mickey for my name before I was born.

2)  I lettered twice in Golf in High School, was team captain, and most valuable player.

3)  I had an outdoor cat which would wake me up each morning when I was in school.  One day he stepped in my mouth as I yawned.

4)  While working as a computer programmer, I wrote most of the company’s programs for the Purchasing, Back Order, Customer Overdue Payment, Salary, and portions of several other departments.

5)  I wrote one of my first poems back in grade school.  It was titled “I Love the Ocean”.  It was a horrible little poem and…I don’t like the ocean.

6)  For many years, my favorite actress was Jessica Alba.

7)  I played “Magic the Gathering” for many years and still have over 39,000 cards.

The nominees for the two awards are: (loud drum roll with full orchestral accompaniment)

1) Christina Strigas

2) KZ

3) Katrina Perkins

4) My Mending Wall

5) One Thousand Single Days

6) This, That, and the Other Thing

7) Trancendingborders

8) Insidethebirdcage

9) Boomiebol

10) Karmic Diva

11) Whoisbert

12) Tryingtobeconscious

13) Wakeupandsmellthereality

14) Ithinkincomics

15) Swirlingturnip

If you aren’t in the list above, just know that I was told to limit it to 15 and I thought of all of you.

If you are, don’t feel obligated to accept.  If you have won before, so what?  I did, too.  If you don’t know 15 blogs to nominate, you have two choices – nominate who you do know, or follow some more.  The other 14 above would be good choices 🙂

Please visit the 14 or 15 blogs that aren’t yours and enjoy.  Following them wouldn’t be a bad idea!



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