Tag Archives: Fictioneers

Friday Fictioneers – FF – “Dispelling the Evening – Rated “R” – 8/22/2013 – Horror/Suspense


Friday Fictioneers  – FF – “Dispelling the Evening – Rated “R” – 8/22/2013

(Read my story, then click on the pic to see the rest!)

By Scott L Vannatter

Conrad sat quietly across from the old church.  He was nearly buried in the weeds.  Several older people went in.  He had been told it was choir practice night, but he watched all the same.  With the ways the planets were aligned and the house the moon sat in, as well as the pivotal location of the building on the  main nexus of the area, Conrad felt nearly certain a Black Sabbath service was going to take place tonight.  He cocked a shell into the ten gauge and walked toward the church, ignoring the singing of hymns coming from within.

_________________________ 100 words _________________________



Friday Fictioneers – FF – 8/10/2013 “Just like Marilyn?” Rated PG13


Friday Fictioneers – FF – 8/10/2013 “Just like Marilyn?” Rated PG13

“Just Like Marilyn?”

Scott L Vannatter

Ginney Stevenson was literally dancing down the street.  She did, indeed, very much look like Marilyn Monroe as she spun and her dress hitched up farther and farther.  People would talk.

Oh yes, people would talk,  However, they weren’t going to be thinking much about Ginney and Marilyn’s similarities.  They weren’t going to remember Ginney’s legs (well, they might).  They weren’t even going to remember the color of her dress, which was white, by the way.

What people would remember was that Ginney had walked out (well, danced out) of the drug store with a winning lottery ticket of $185 million dollars!




Friday Fictioneers – 07/26/2013 – “Rolling In” – PG13 – Genre: Romantic Fiction


.  Just a thought.  A new genre for me.  Hope you like it.

FF – 7/27/13 PG13

Scott L Vannatter

Rolling In


Serah-Lynn looked at Tomilee then back at the clouds beneath them.

“Thanks for bringing me up here.  The climate change hasn’t gotten this far up yet.”

“I know.  It’s beautiful.  But you know we are gonna die up here?  Not enough food, water, or air to make it back down the way things are.  No one’s gonna rescue us.”

She interlocked her hand in his, leaned in close to kiss his full lips with her own.  Then she began unbuttoning her blouse after taking off the coat.

“Not quite the mile-high club.”

“It’s fine.  I love you forever and more.”




Friday Fictioneers – 7/12/13 – A very Grave Nanny – PG13

Scott L Vannatter

Friday Fictioneers

7/12/13 100 Words

A Very Grave Nanny


“Come on!”  Stevie yelled.  I tried hard to catch up.

We entered the small, local cemetery and he pointed.  I watched, following his finger with my eyes.

“See?  Told you!  Gregory was cursed for having that purple eye and was turned into a chicken by the demon of the cemetery.”

I punched Stevie.  “That’s a nanny goat, not a chicken.”

“God!  It’s even worse!”  Stevie ran off; I shook my head.

I started to walk away; the goat whined.  I turned to pat its head.

It looked at me with that one purple eye and I fell twice running away.

Friday Fictioneers – 6/28/2013 – “Transition” -Genre: fiction Rated PG13

Photo courtesy of Indira

Friday Fictioneers – 6/28/2013

Genre: fiction Rated Pg13


By Scott L Vannatter


Herrall remembered the horrible noise and the feeling of flying.

He had felt a terrible impact at the center of his back and his head, but only for a second.

He also remembered seeing the large vehicle blur as it left his field of vision.

Now, he felt light and free.  His body (no, not his body – he was looking at his body), his spirit(?) was slowly rising from his body and he could see it lying there, not moving.  He could also see the license plate number.  He smiled.  Who would he tell?  And what good would it do?




Beauty lies within yourself

The only impossible journey in life is you never begin!! ~Tanvir Kaur

Saania's diary - reflections, learnings, sparkles

Life is all about being curious, asking questions, and discovering your passion. And it can be fun!

North Noir


carly books

I read lots of books, from mythology retellings to literary fiction and I love to reread books from childhood, this is a place to voice my thoughts for fun. I also like to ramble about things such as art or nature every now and again.



. . .

love each other like you are the lyric to their music


We are all Kindred Spirits; connected in Life


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A Poet's Vision

"kindness is healing, writer & poet of sorts, "