Tag Archives: alien

Disappearing Act

Disappearing Act

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot 

By Scott L Vannatter – 100 words


Here we go with Rochelle-driven Friday Fictioneers.  100 or less words for a full story based on the photo prompt.  Has really taught me how to watch words.  Other stories and your opportunity to add yours can be found here.


Ramon looked at the tube exhibit overhead with the wonder of a child. He saw aesthetics and questioned function.  Jack simply stepped under one and looked up, sneering a bit.

“Empty tubes.  So what?” 

Ramon heard a conversation nearby and turned before answering.  He was thinking about the seclusive life of the artist. He heard a whoosh,then a sharp intake of breath. He turned around to look back at Jack.  At least, he looked where Jack had been.  Now, just his bowler was on the concrete.

Ramon moved and bent over to pick up the bowler.  He heard a whoosh…





Lighting the Way

This is a piece for Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle.  This week’s photo prompt, which you are to write a full story about in 100 words or less, is by PHOTO PROMPT © Sandra Crook.  I hope you enjoy my take.  There are many others here.


Lighting the Way (100 words) by Scott Vannatter

Sam and the others walked outside to gather round the “lampost” that had dropped form the sky and stuck in the middle of Elm street.  All were trying to figure out where it had come from.

“Hurricane,” yelled one.

“Airplane,” hollered another.

Sam was just starting to get his head wrapped around it when the light began to glow.  It got brighter until no one could look at it.  Then, abruptly, lightning bolts sizzled out of it and struck every house on the block.

Sam thought, “Aliens,” when he realized there where fires on other blocks, too.

It had begun.



Friday Fictioneers – And Here Lives the Past – Sci-Fi Rated PG13

Rochelle brings us Friday Fictioneers with my story below the picture prompt and the rest > HERE < Enjoy!!!

Source: PHOTO PROMPT – © Erin Leary License for Reuse Assumed Click Pic for Page

And Here Lives the Past

By Scott L Vannatter – 100 Words

To the untrained eye, the small stalks with fibrous umbrellas at the top really looked like simple mushrooms. Jordan, however, did not have untrained eyes. Her abilities as a xeno-anthropologist told her that these were alien spores…old alien sports.

She knelt down, quickly and carefully dug up all the spores, and stored them in a traveling box. She took them home and replanted them carefully under her strictest guidelines.

She painstakingly watched them grow to be almost six-feet tall before they shed their roots and stepped forward. Jordan was so happy she had been able to save her cousins’ lives.




Five Sentence Fiction – Glimmer – “Brave New World” PG13

Lillie brings us this week’s Five Sentence Fiction Prompt:  Glimmer – My contribution is below.  The rest are >HERE<.  Enjoy!!!


“Brave New World”

By Scott L Vannatter – December 21, 2014

Desirelle stepped out onto the vast alien landscape, the first astronaut to land on an Earth-like planet, and tipped her finger slightly, allowing the glimmer to issue forth from her index and glide forward in an ever-spreading glowing hue of blue.

The aura widened, covering all of the landscape within sight and beyond, blanketing the soil, curling around the rocks, causing the atmosphere itself to sparkle with intense energy.

The stones split; the dust raised into the air, spun, widened, and fell noiselessly back to the soil; and the nearby mountains shook and collapsed, rebuilding themselves into hills and plateaus.

The dervish moved more rapidly, the now-gathering wind reaching gale force, the sky darkened then lightened, water appearing to fill deeper holes created by the moving soil and dust.

After what seemed hours, things slowed and coalesced, the planet had in its entirety been remodeled and refitted for human habitation by this first visitor, a sorceress obsessed with eventual ruling over an entire global civilization.




Mondays Finish the Story – “Perception” – Humorous PG13

babso2you hosts “Mondays Finish the Story.”  Using the photo prompt and the first sentence prompt, do the story in 100-150 more words.  Mine is below, the rest are > HERE < Enjoy!!!


By Scott L Vannatter – November 13, 2014

“Would anyone know if there truly was an alien invasion?”  Ramon sat back and asked the question during breakfast.  He had a tendency to not let a meal pass without a formal dissertation on something that needled at his brain.

“I wouldn’t and not even certain if I would care as long as they served breakfast like this,” Thom guffawed while holding his greens high overhead.

“Here, here!” agreed Simon, munching hard on his own meal.

Ramon looked over the group and had to agree on two fronts.  First, yes, this was an excellent breakfast, and second, he would not care much if aliens took them over as long as they served breakfast like this and allowed he and his friends to eat together.  With that he opened his mandibular jaws and bit down hard on the plant stem in front of him.




Beauty lies within yourself

The only impossible journey in life is you never begin!! ~Tanvir Kaur

Saania's diary - reflections, learnings, sparkles

Life is all about being curious, asking questions, and discovering your passion. And it can be fun!

North Noir


carly books

I read lots of books, from mythology retellings to literary fiction and I love to reread books from childhood, this is a place to voice my thoughts for fun. I also like to ramble about things such as art or nature every now and again.



. . .

love each other like you are the lyric to their music


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A Poet's Vision

"kindness is healing, writer & poet of sorts, "